Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ra's diary

Hi my name is Ra.  Im eleven years old and I was born in Nelson but Im now living in Motueka. For the past seven years I had been living in China in Xian to be exact. I can speak quite a bit of chinese too,China is quite crowded seeing that it has 1.5 billion people and so on. Cause theres so many people its pretty polluted as you can imagine. When I got back to New Zealand I went to Nelson Central School then we moved here to Motueka. Im currently in the Whanau class with Matua Dean as our teacher. In blogging i have learned..

  1. how to use Parklands school blog
  2. to make a diary post
  3. how to do a number list
  4. how to upload a picture
  5. how to make a slide show
  6. how to blog
  7. how to link a video clip

I thought it is fun and a good way of learning on the computer, with an awesome teacher Mr.Bailey

 My Mihi

Kia ora Ko Taupiri te maunga, Ko tuarangawaewae te Marae, Ko Waikato te Awa, Ko Tainui te Waka,   Ko Tainui te Iwi, Ko Maniapoto te Hapu, Ko Janice toku Mama Ko Emlyn toku Papa, Ko Matua Dean te Kaiako, Ko Aunty Mere te Kuia, Ko Ra aho, Ko Pakarana te kura    No rei ra Tena koto Tena koto Tena koto katoa.    

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