Ko Tokomaru te waka. Ko Pukeone te maunga. Ko Motueka te awa. Ko ngati tama me ngati toa oku iwi. ko ngati maniapoto oku hapu .Ko toku mama me toku papa oku matua. Ko Haerepo Lydia Te Miha barlow toku ingoa. Ko pakarana te kura. Ko matua Dean toku kaiako. Ko Aunty Mere te kuia. E iwa oku tau.
I play Netball. I have two sisters and one brother. When I grow up I want to be a doctor or a dentist.
Today we did the browsing sheet.It was confusing
In the weekend: On Sunday my uncle took me and my sister to our aunty's house and asked if Taylor would want to come for a walk. First we went to Mc Donalds. After that we went to The Warehouse. A few minutes later it started to spit.So we headed back to our aunty's house.
Hi good show
very nice mihi.
Hi im Tyson
very nice mihi.
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