ko ngati kahungungu me ngapuhi oku iwi
ko orangi tuku monga
nga tuku mata wha rua ko te waka
ko Kaha tuku-taina
ko Laurence tuku-tuakana
ko tuhi ahau
ko violet-solemon me tuhi yorke tuku papa
ko watangi me whakaki tuku marae
ko patangata tuku awa
ko pakarana te kura
ko Matua-dean te kaiko ko aunty mere te kuia
Noreira tena koutou tena koutou tena koutou katoa
Te rohe o
Te takiwa o

On all blacks fun day Ali williams and Ben franks came to Motueka. we played a tsunami of games. We only played them like all day. Some of the teachers from parklands dressed up in black at the recreation centre. Some of the activites we did was ripper tag. We had turns on these bmx bikes and went over jumps and ramps and kids got to see their friends from other schools. It was awesome. I hope we do it again some day. GOOOO!!!!!!!!! BLAAAACCCKKKK!!!!!!!
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